

Virginia Parks Matter

Help us fight the Virginia Department of transportation’s destruction and exploitation of its citizens. Sign Our petition!

VDOT is plowing ahead with the 495 Next plan, a plan that is extremely detrimental, and illogical, in far too many ways. Citizens of Virginia should be alarmed and should take action.  

Here’s why it’s wrong. Here’s why it matters. Here’s what you can do.

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What it is.

What is the project and why is it a problem? The Virginia Department of Transportation (V.D.O.T) is going to take miles of our land, parks and trees. They are planning to extend the HOT lanes into these parks and even our homes. Extra land is needed to complete this project and they plan on taking…

Why does it matter?

So why does this all matter? Here are some troubling facts to take into considerations…. Why do this? the already degraded Dead Run and Scott’s Run, which are within the study area, drain directly into the Potomac, disturbing and polluting the river and its ecosystem Loss of 118 acres of trees, as reported in the…

What you can do.

This is a big fight and we’ll need your help! We need your voice now more than ever. Here are a few things you can do to help fight this injustice. Sign our petition It’ll take 10,000 signatures to make real change! Every signature is a step closer. Become a member of our committee XXXXXXXXX…

Contact these officials and tell them “NO to 495 NEXT.


On October 5th VDOT starts their destruction.

Help us fight.